PBS “Second Opinion” Series Broadcast Episode on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Recently, IBS Impact was alerted that an entire television episode of the U.S. Public Broadcasting Service health series “Second Opinion” was devoted to IBS. The series is hosted by Dr. Peter Salgo, a well known health and science correspondent and practicing clinician and professor associated with Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital and the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City.

His panelists for the episode on IBS were Erin Slater, RD, a person with IBS whose experience led her to become a registered dietitian, Douglas Drossman, MD, FACG of Drossman Gastroenterology in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, co-founder and recently retired co-director of the University of North Carolina Center for Functional GI and Motility Disorders, and current president of the Rome Foundation, and Lisa Harris, MD and Ashok N. Shah, MD, MACG, AGAF, both of the University of Rochester Medical Center. Within the context of Ms. Slater sharing her personal experiences with IBS, the panelists asked questions and provided answers that addressed common facts, misconceptions and treatment options related to IBS in general.

The entire episode is available for viewing on the “Second Opinion” website at the link below It runs a bit over 26 minutes. A link to a written transcript is also provided near the top of the linked page for those who are not able to access the audio. IBS Impact recommends this video to readers and thanks PBS, the University of Rochester, which sponsors this series,  the host and panelists for devoting time to IBS on the widely respected and high profile PBS network of stations, particularly Ms. Slater for her willingness to discuss her own IBS candidly and at length for broadcast television. It is hoped that this program will contribute to much greater awareness of IBS.

PBS “Second Opinion” Episode #910: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

1 Comment

  1. Sue O'Keefe

    I saw that episode on PBS today. I used to suffer with IBS for about 20 years. I was never happy with my doctor giving me different types of anti-depressants for this difficult syndrome. I finally saw an acupuncturist and a holistic health person who helped me get better. I use supplements and have eliminated only a few foods that made digestion difficult. Taking drugs is not the way to go at all. Ms Slater is too young to have to stay on medications for that condition and it is very sad that doctors did not tell her the right things the first time she went for help. I blamed it on stress. It was not stress. I initially started having problems after I had mono in college. Stressful situations made me think it was the cause,but it was not. It was many other things. In my 40’s I found out my cortisol levels had something to do with it. My diet was also a component. I have been better and have no episodes at all. Unfortunately because my absorption levels were affected,my bones were affected as well. My body just never could absorb the nutrients and supplements I was trying to put into my body.

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